Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Sick zombies

Whoever told me that human is holier than any other animals,
they've been telling me lie.
Whoever told me that human's life more important than the life of every other species in the earth,
they must be such a life killer.

Whoever told me that human existence gave blessed progress to the whole earth,
well they must be a dumb fuck.
Whoever been telling me that technology made life's more bearable,
they must have such a void life.

Whoever been telling me that what made human being human is our normative values, materialistic standard, decent behaviors, living behind safe concrete, possessive friendship, rapid-productive life, predictable-safe(/boring) love relationship, our ability to build modern civilization, our 'clever' way to survive (producing-consuming more food, products, than we ever needed--only to give ourselves some faux sense of securities), being A part of The Great Machine...

Well they must be zombies.

crazy, sick, psychopathic zombies; infested with their arrogance, guilt, fear, fear, cock fear, cunt fear, death fear, fear, zombie, holy, sick, 'intelligent', sick, polluted, sick, miserable, sick, void, sick, normative, sick, fetish, sick, frantic, sick, sick, proud, pathetic, sick zombies..

When Adam (Human) meets Eve (Knowledge about life), and their losing their innocence;
deciding to be agriculturalist rather than hunter-gatherer/some kind of clever animal.

They might never know, how they just dig a grave to hell for the whole earth.

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